A Midwinter's Dream Holiday Campaign
Warm Memories of Shakespeare-in-the-Park

Keeping the theatre flame burning in 2024!
Our 2023 summer Shakespeare-in-the-Park tour was another unforgettable Repercussion experience! Bravely facing ongoing fluctuations in climate, funding, and art-making conditions, we were proud to bring our eco-conscious production of Cymbeline to parks across Montreal and beyond. Now, as we and the parks take a snow-covered repose, we’re reminiscing about summers past and dreaming of summers to come!
This holiday season, we were able to raise over $6 000 thanks to the generous donations of our supporters. If you missed our campaign and would still like to donate we encourage you to click here to learn how!
Thank you!
See how Repercussion
has kickstarted careers:
At Repercussion Theatre, we’re very proud to have been able to give scores of emerging artists and theatre-makers their first professional gigs; it has been a core part of our mission since the company’s founding in 1988. Here are a few of our Alumni checking in, and looking back on how Repercussion kickstarted their careers.
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order) are:
Karen Angle
Deena Aziz
Kenzia Dalie
Joe DePaul
Ray Jacildo
Karine Kerr-Gillespie
The video includes music by Kristie Ibrahim
Check out last year’s video here:
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order) are:
Laurence Dauphinais
Marie-France Labbé
Oivier Lamarche
Anton May
Julie Tamiko-Manning
Rebecca Singh
Shauna Thompson
The video includes music by Evan Stepanian, originally created for our production of Measure for Measure in 2019
… And the 2021 take can be seen here:
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order):
Quincy Armorer
Stephanie Baptist
Crystal Chettiar
Bruce Dinsmore
Leah Doz
Sophie El Assaad
Rick Miller
Elaine Normandeau
The video includes music by Troy Slocum, originally created for our production of Much Ado About Nothing in 2017
…You can view the 2020 video here:
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order):
Jessica B Hill
Alain Goulem
Monika Herédi
Matthew Kabwe
James Lavoie
Cat Lemieux
Jamie Robinson
Antoine Yared
…And be sure to watch the 2019 edition:
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order):
Francois Arnaud
Catherine Berube
Daniel Brochu
Tristan D Lalla
Alex Haber
Jeff Ho
Howard Mendohlson
Rachel Mutumbo
Amelia Sargisson
Eo Sharp
Brett Watson
Jane Wheeler
For over 30 years, Repercussion Theatre has been giving emerging theatre-makers their first professional gig as part of our Shakespeare-in-the-Park tour. It’s not hyperbole to say we’ve helped to kickstart hundreds of careers.
Our alumni have gone on to work in and lead theatres across the country, as well as in television, film, circus, the video game industry, and much more.
In the company’s early years, the entire cast and crew were often composed of recent theatre school graduates. Now we focus on bringing together established and emerging artists, to provide meaningful mentorship opportunities and to allow everyone to learn from each other. But young talent is still at the heart of what we do, and we hire 10-20 emerging artists and production personnel every summer.
For so many of them, working with us is just the beginning – and we’re so proud when we get to say, “We knew them when…”
We are passionate about potential. We love taking a chance on new talent. And we are proud to be the first step in so many long careers.